Welcome to the Smith County Prayer Force
Judge Neal Franklin Chairperson

The Smith County Prayer Force exists to bring willing prayer warriors together to pray, individually, for Smith County First Responders.

Here's how it works:

        We are asking First Responders in Smith County to Sign Up to be prayed for by an assigned Prayer Warrior.

        We are asking devoted Christians in Smith County to Sign Up to pray for an assigned First Responder.

        Each Year (January to December) will be a Prayer Campaign, in which each Prayer Warrior is asked to pray daily for their assigned First Responder.

        Toward the end of the year, each participant will have an opportunity to Renew (or decline) to continue for the next year's Prayer Campaign.

        After a Prayer Campaign is complete, there will be a First Responder Celebration Banquet, which will celebrate and honor all participating First Responders.

Data Privacy Notice: The Smith County Prayer Force will keep your personal information confidential, only sharing First Name, Last Intial, and Job Title between paired Prayer Warriors and First Responders.